Experienced And Diverse Legal Team Protecting The Rights Of Federal Employees

Reasonable Accommodations in the Federal Sector

Disability Discrimination in Federal Employment: A Success Story 

In the world of federal employment, individuals often encounter challenges that stem from workplace discrimination or retaliation. At Southworth PC, our mission is to guide and advocate for federal employees through such obstacles, using the power of federal...

Settled: Southworth PC Settles Another Disability Case

Southworth PC attorneys Shaun Southworth and recently settled another disability discrimination case for their client. “Our Client had been working with his federal employer for over a decade and requested reasonable accommodation a few years ago. Since then, his...

Settled: Southworth PC Settles 5-year Reasonable Accommodation Case

Federal employee lawyers Shaun Southworth and Jesse Kelly recently settled a reasonable accommodation case. "For five years our client battled with her former federal employer to adequately accommodate her disability. She provided medical records and recommendations...

