Experienced And Diverse Legal Team Protecting The Rights Of Federal Employees

Southworth PC Settles Reasonable Accommodation Case For Federal Employee

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2020 | Federal Sector EEO, Firm News, Reasonable Accommodations in the Federal Sector |

Today, our federal employment attorneys settled a reasonable accommodation case on behalf of our client, a former federal employee, where we alleged an Agency failed to engage in the interactive process in good faith.

Additionally, our federal sector attorneys helped our client obtain disability retirement benefits, also known as medical retirement.

These cases are one of our favorite types of cases to handle because our federal employment attorneys have much experience in this area, enjoy the challenges stemming from the complexities of this area of law, and appreciate fighting for our clients’ access to the dignities of work.

The system is supposed to help people with disabilities, including many people who have placed their life on the line for our country, have access to the federal sector workplace in some cases because our society has decided it is better to require employers to share a small burden instead of our government simply paying individuals with disabilities to not work. Far too often, however, some people at some federal agencies can turn the interactive process into a game, by arguing they do not have to accommodate any employee, by offering ineffective accommodations, or by denying reasonable accommodations, et cetera. Sometimes people at federal agencies have not even been properly trained on their obligations under the Rehabilitation Act and will not even engage in the interactive process to begin with.

If you are a federal employee or former federal employee who would like help about the potential wrongful denial of a reasonable accommodation or accommodations, or help in negotiating a reasonable accommodation or accommodations, then please contact our federal employment attorneys to see if we would be a good fit for you.

