Experienced And Diverse Legal Team Protecting The Rights Of Federal Employees

Southworth PC Trial Time: EEOC Judge Green Lights Reasonable Accommodation Trial

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2020 | Disability Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Litigation, Federal Sector EEO, Firm News, Reasonable Accommodations in the Federal Sector, Reprisal |

An EEOC judge has given the green light to a trial for a Southworth PC client in a disability discrimination case.

Usually in EEOC cases, many Agency’s will file a motion for summary judgment at the hearing stage after discovery is completed. This motion argues that there is no need for a trial because there are no genuine issues of material facts and the case can be decided on paper. This almost always happens because these cases are disputed and it seems another way to slow down the process.

The Agency had done that in a recent case, but the Judge recently denied the motion and its is now trial time for Southworth PC.

Our client claims that she was discriminated against based on disability and reprisal when over a certain time period the Agency denied her a reasonable accommodation and failed to consider reassignment. Specifically, our client had asked the Agency to use different cleaning chemicals or reassign her. The Judge found there were key facts warranting a hearing.

“We look forward to prosecuting this case in trial and are always appreciative of the opportunity to help obtain justice. The Rehabilitation Act requires Agency’s to make reasonable accommodations under many circumstances because we have decided as a society we want to help disabled employees have access to workplace. This is the right thing to do,” says Managing Partner Shaun Southworth. He and federal employment attorney Ianna Richardson will be trying the case in few months.

If you are a federal employee with a denial of a reasonable accommodation issues, then please feel free to give us a call today.

