Experienced And Diverse Legal Team Protecting The Rights Of Federal Employees

Federal employee lawyers Shaun Southworth and Jesse Kelly recently settled a reasonable accommodation case.

“For five years our client battled with her former federal employer to adequately accommodate her disability. She provided medical records and recommendations from her doctors but at each turn her employer sought to undermine her disability by having their own physicians conduct limited inquires to find the opposite. To placate our client, her agency would offer temporary reassignments that allowed her to successfully perform the duties of her job. But once that was established, those temporary reprieves were snatched from out client and she was placed back into roles that triggered her panic attacks. When asked why the temporary roles could not be made permanent her agency relied again on evaluations from their doctors which denied the severity of our client’s disability. We are pleased that we were able to help restore justice,” says attorney Jesse Kelly.

The Rehabilitation Act provides that it is unlawful for an agency not to make a reasonable accommodation to a qualified individual with a disability unless it would cause an undue hardship or under other limited circumstances.

If you are a federal employee who would like assistance with making a reasonable accommodation request or who has been wrongfully denied a reasonable accommodation, or has otherwise faced disability discrimination, then please feel free to contact us to see if we can help you. We would be happy to offer you a free consultation.

